Professional Kids & Teens 101: A Primer for Parents

The World of a Child Actor

Is your child ready?

Are you ready?

  • He’s smart, funny, and photogenic.

  • She’s taken voice lessons and dance lessons for years.

  • Friends and family, even strangers, say my child is “beautiful, dramatic, outspoken, self-confident, cute, talented.”

  • My child says, “I want to be like…(fill in any child or teen TV actor), how can I be on tv?”

The World of a Child Actor

The truth of the matter is that many children ARE perfect for show business –
Print, Commercials, Television, Film, Stage – wherever they’re comfortable. I will show you how to acquire professional child talent representation.

They can be the boy-next-door or the gawky-girl-with-braces, they can be the beautiful dancer with a heart of gold or the sport-oriented young boy in the schoolyard. Just about any child with the right attitude, skills, and training can be marketable in the entertainment or advertising world.

The basic methods used to enter the world of child acting have not changed in years. It is industry-driven by insiders and first impressions..

The power of the Internet has brought new capabilities and energy to the process, but the decision-makers have not changed. Nor have the requirements to function successfully in their world.

And, as always, there are those who would manipulate an eager participant only to take their money and their hopes in a scam or dishonest venture.

Education is the key to success. The Professional Kids & Teens 101: A Primer for Parents Online Course is designed to answer basic questions about the process of participation in the child-performance world.

You may walk away confident in knowing that this is where your child belongs. Or you may leave with the knowledge that he or she – or you – are simply not ready to take the plunge!.

Mean Girls
the Big Bang Theory, the musical parody
Billy Elliot The Musical
Radio City Christmas Spectacular The Rockettes

The Online Course

Professional Kids & Teens 101: A Primer for Parents

My COMPLETE ONLINE COURSE gives you an inside view of how the industry works and teaches you everything you need to know to get started today; safely and effectively.

My course teaches how to:

  • Submit your child for work on Broadway, TV & Film, Commercial Work, Voice Over and Print.

  • Build your child's resume with line items palatable to Managers & Agents

  • Filter into the right networks of people to connect to Industry Professionals.

  • Obtain professional representation for your child; Sign with a Manager or Agent

Included is information no one else will share.

I speak from over 45 years of experience successfully navigating the business for my three boys, guiding 100’s of clients to success as well as personally working in producing, directing, choreography, casting, and management.

Downloadable materials accompany The Complete Online Course for your convenience and reference.

The Online Course

7 Steps to Launch Your Child, Teen, or Young Adult's Performance Career!

7 Free How-To Videos & Guide


Complete the Kids & Teens Level 1 and easily get things started with...


  • Headshots

  • Resumes

  • Self Tapes

  • Voice Over

  • Reels

  • Cover Letters

  • The Interview

Need personal attention and help with any step of the way?

Sign Up for One-On-One Guidance

I want to meet you!

I look forward to learning more about your talented child, their talents, background, and their dreams.

This journey has to begin with a child who has innate talent, has the passion, the drive and the strong desire to participate.

You can safely and effectively give them opportunities beyond the average.

  • What do you want?

  • I always ask new clients, what is it that you want? It is important to think about this.

  • In a perfect world, what do you want? Broadway, Stage, Film, TV, Commercials, Print Work, Modeling.

A plan must be determined and put into play. And as you execute the plan, if you come to a fork in the road, you need to have enough understanding of this industry to make the right decisions along the way.

Still not sure?

Check Out Our Success Stories Here

“If you are reading this, either as a parent of a talented child or are considering a life in the arts yourself, you’ve stumbled upon THE best resource and door into succeeding in this industry. Endeavoring into the arts as a professional is one of the hardest industries to break into and the rejection and confusion of how the industry operates can be crushing. I’ve witnessed first hand the lives Leesa and LBC Talent have changed over the years: not just helping various children, teens, and adults land roles and launch careers in the performing arts, but gifting them with direction, purpose, and newfound confidence in who they are as human beings and that their wildest dreams are indeed possible.”

~ Kurt Csolak

Frequently Asked Questions

From parents just like you.

I don't think my child is good enough at ______, should I wait and train them more first?

Many children begin in this industry with no formal training. However, at some point training will become essential.

When is the best time to start?

There is no specific answer to that question. However there are more opportunities the earlier you begin.

How do I balance home, family, and my busy schedule?

I address this in detail and share tools and specific ways to handle life in general with a professional working child or teen.

What about school?

School is discussed in detail as there are specific choices you have when it comes to education. Education is of the utmost importance. Included in the Seminar are sample correspondence templates you can use as well.

How do I handle costs associated with training, auditions, travel, etc?

I am extremely sensitive to financial constraints. The Seminar offers specifics about money matters and gives you the tools necessary to create a plan that works for you. In the personal One-On-One service offered in Level 4 I help you determine where and when additional monies might be spent. This is based on the individual needs of your child for the foreseeable opportunities both in the near and far future.

Can someone help me? Can you do it for me?

This question comes up quite often. I give you tools to find the time to get things over the starting line. However, if you need help executing, we are here to help.

Copyright 2023 Leesa Csolak | LBC Talent, LLC All Rights Reserved | New Jersey, US 08822

Contact: [email protected]

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Disclaimer: Each client testimonial that you see is based on what our clients tell us. Getting results in building a career takes work on both the parent and the child/teen’s part. Each of our clients works really hard to get results. We don't guarantee any results and you should know that building a career is based on many factors. We give you the tools you need to succeed. You provide the fortitude.